Flight Simulator X Acceleration Pack Free 41 !!TOP!!
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It's time for a ceremonial fly-by and a tip of the wings! The best selling flight simulator of all time has released its 10th edition: Microsoft Flight Simulator X is the latest and greatest chapter in a real software success story. No other flight simulator has come close in market share.
The Acceleration Package also includes three new aircraft: the EH-101 chopper, the F/A-18A Hornet and the P-51D Mustang. The package also introduces scenery such as Cape Canaveral, Istanbul, Edwards Air Force Base and Berlin. There are 20 new missions from being a test pilot to exciting search and rescues. Pilots can interact with other players around the corner, or around the world in real time over their headsets and keyboards. They can even share photos and videos with each other, and the flight community in general.
The Gold Edition makes things even more fun with plenty of new aircraft, scenes, and missions. As soon as it hit the market, Microsoft Flight Simulator Gold Edition established itself as the best edition ever of the top-selling flight simulator of all time. In short, the Gold Edition is the Gold standard in flight simulation!
Free Flight: Over free flight page user can select his aircraft from a variety aircraft's list already installed with different types he like; this is up to his aeronautical background and his flying information. The user here is of course free to select to fly on board a glider, rotorcraft, single or twin engine aircraft, and turbo or jet models. The most advantage item of this wonderful program is the Location, as user can take off and land over 24000 different airports all over the world. User can fly from destination to another comfortably with different time and season and also in different kind of weather conditions up to his request.
I am using MS Flightsimulator since the first version on an Apple ][. Upgraded always. When FSX-SE came I gave it a try. I am running FSX-SE on a desktop PC with an i7 processor, 16 GB RAM and a NVIDIA GTX670 with 2 GB memory. Three monitors. I am having less problems with FSX-SE than I had with FSX Gold Edition. Even several aircraft that I bought for FSX are now running without problems in FSX-SE. Ten days ago I bought from SimShack.net the Alabeo Piper PA-36 Pawnee Brave 375 because it was cheaper than the same DLC that is sold on FSX-SE. It performs excellent on FSX-SE. Last weekend, when there were some discounts for FSX-SE on Steam, I bought some add-ons, among it the \"Cargo Crew\" DLC with the DC3 missions. The only negative experience I had with this Cargo Crew DLC was during the 2nd mission, that I could not declare to ATC the emergency that occurred (failure of the right engine). So ATC did not know about the fact I was flying the DC3 on one engine and that this was the reason to divert to Manchester (EGCC). Then Manchester Tower ordered me to perform a go-around when I was on short finals. I was not able to get the aircraft climbing to the assigned altitude of 2.500 FT forcing me to end the mission. So this felt unrealistic. But this experience has not much to do with the performance of FSX-SE itself. I have flown already 122 hours within FSX-SE. I also made some flights connected to the IVAO network under control of an IVAO ATC'er while also using other apps like TeamSpeak and Aerosofts FSC9. I am also able to set the radio's and navaids with the Aerosoft's RadioStackX app on my Ipad2. So, putting everything together I can say that I am satisfied with the performance of FSX-SE.
I started in 2002 moved on to Century Flight 2004 then to FSX . Now I hove build my own PC and complete simulator glass gages ,GoFlight hardware and more . Running at the moment Windows 7 Professional I7 4MGz CPU two fan liquid cool SSD Samsung Rapid mode 32 GB Ram and 4GB ATI 970 video card ++++I did some used suggested adjustments to my Box FSX Acceleration pack and with TripleHead2Go I am running four monitor set-up with no problems on my old FSX . Using 3 monitors as the window I completely fly on my instruments no VC. super experience. Waiting for Windows 10 Sitek Drivers. I tried P3D did not like it at all . I also have FSX Steam on my desktop but I am waiting to instil second SSD Drive before I install and try FSX Steam . Way back I heard that those two on the same Drive are not so good idea . I hope Flight Sim, writes good article on this topic in present time situation Oct/15
I have used most flight simulators and found that FSX Gold is by far the best for graphics, simulation and expansion provided you have a decent pc setup.(Must be more than the recommended specs.)Regarding Dovetails Steam version, I have found it has smoother graphics than the Gold version but the simulation is the same.I find that the Steam Edition can be very poor when it comes to expansion, (Including Software and Hardware) either the add on won`t install because it is not compatible, or you have to fiddle about with the installer or a configuration file to make it work. All the best add on software works best with the original FSX Gold. \"That`s what they were made for.\"Dovetail have built a reputation for charging very high prices for mediocre or old add on software for both their Train Simulator and Flight Simulator releases, which makes it a no brainer. \"FSX GOLD IS THE BEST\"
Hey guys, i'm 18, and im going off to university to be educated within the pilot studies filed, with strong views to head off to flight school after. FSX is the most sophisticated, and advanced simulator ever to be invented by Microsoft within this particular field, however, the graphics card on my laptop, (directx9.0) is not powerful enough to run the game to it's optimum capacity. Therefore, I advise that people using FS2004, should continue using that game, until you upgrade your graphics cards. Im no expert on computers, but usually, most laptops do not allow you to update the graphics card, only the memory. However, when people are able to use FSX to a high capacity, the network of people from all over the world, bringin new users, to actual pilots will be so wide, that the ability to fly within real life situations will be imense. Happy flying!!
As a long time FSX user (Since FSX 2003) I would not go back to the original. Though FSX STEAM Edition is at heart the old FSX it has been improved. The bugs that plagued FSX Gold SP2 seem to have gone. Steam have since release provided free upgrades and returned the core programme to a living system. There is talk of it being upgraded shortly to work with Windows 10 and likewise to make far more use of modern multicore CPUs and larger RAM. Most noticeably though steam verifies your account on line when logging on they now provide FSX-SE with a stand alone mode for when the internet connection fails. Much third party software built for FSX Gold seems to be compatible with FSX-SE and more is being certified. I look forward to flying under a live and improving simulator that remains compatible with changing Operating Systems.
I have been using flight sims for around 30 years or so. Began with ProPilot and then entered the series of MS Flight Simulators starting with Flight Sim 5 and on up through the ranks and into MS Flight Simulator Gold w/accel. I will honestly say that the Steam Edition seems to run faster, smoother and I enjoy the additional aircraft. This is definitely the best simulator Microsoft has come out with and in my mind, it is better than P3D. My hats off to a great product here. I am flying on Windows 7, 6 GB ram in a quad-core HP computer. Nothing special here. My hard drive is 500 gb.
I downloaded it...it worked well on 8.1...and then on windows 10...no problems....they did a update to the game...and now I have black sceens...if I hit ctrl alt delt..I can see behind it for 4 seconds......but on load and on change of aircraft in free flight...black wall comes up....fram rates are good...most everything I have added on...work well....maybe a gauge or two are inop...but no worse the FSX ....I have had flight sim on every level...from the commador 64...to now steam...if they can re-update a fix for my problem....I would give it a full thumbs up.....
Steam is a great way to play Microsoft flight simulator X, Its not perfect as I have some glitches that are slowly going away. I also feel its a tad ewxpensive to be able to fly many a different airplane. Steam trys to do a good job and I feel they will cure the problems now existing.. I will next try the Lockheed preparer to see what that brings to the table.
I have FSX Gold with the Expansion pack and I also have FSX Steam running on my computer. The computer is very high specification, 32gb of Ram and Intel core i5 with ATI AMD Radeon R9 200 video card and I have virtually all the customised settings at \"max\". \"Straight out of the box\" FSX Steam Edition is by far the better flight simulation programme.
FSX is a great simulator. It's good for serious pilots, or just for people who want to fly around!! Fsx is completely customisable and has hubdreds of freeware and pay ware files! I would reccomend fsx to anyone who has an interest in aviation. Even if you don't have an interest in aviation, Fsx is still good.
I have just installed Microsoft flight simulator X steam Edition,,,It cook a 11 hours to down load,and i could not find any difference from Micrrosoft flight simulator X gold,exsept I cannot get any of my Saitek guages to work...disaponted...terry
i think its ok but the graphics could have been done a bit better more realistic its runs a bit slow half way through a flight the game freezes up when i want to look at my recorded replay the game freezes up
Amidst the development of the likes of X-Plane 11, many simulation fans may have missed out on some classic Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition releases. If you still use this classic simulator (as many of us still do), you may wish to look at some of the files below. They make up some of the most impressive releases that have